Design & Art

Print Works


It means that printing works will be in our lives for a long time, as you don't usually get your books digitally.

No matter how strong the importance of the digital world, especially social media, printing never loses its importance. The desire to approach a catalog with a sense of touch and feeling and to examine it down to the last detail is proof that the concrete document will preserve its existence for a long time.

If corporate identity is the physical appearance of your brand, brand identity is the way the company wants the brand to appear. This may include a sense of personality or value, and the features and benefits of your brand's products or services. It is worth noting that the brand identity will naturally serve to unify the culture, goals and objectives of the company.

Brand image is how the customer perceives and interprets your brand. This may not necessarily be the same as brand identity. The customer can immediately recognize a brand's logo, which instills a sense of trust.

It is important to ensure consistency in your corporate identity, as it strengthens the brand identity at every point the customer sees you. That's why it's important to consider all your customer touchpoints like catalogues, newsletters and sales brochures and the like.
